“Grainofeed is what Animals Need”
Grainofeed is a high source of protien,fibre and energy.It is giving good results to cattle and other animals by including in their daily intake.Feeding grainofeed fulfiils the necessary nutrition of animals and that results in their performance. As rightly our tagline defines “Grainofeed is What Animals need”.
Key Benifits
- An excellent energy and protein source
- Immense Growth in Milk Production
- Enhances the Quality of Milk
- 3 to 4 times more nutrient then regular corn meal
- Helps to increase Egg production and Egg weight
- Improves Yolk color
- Helps to achieve quality Meat
- Good source of water soluble vitamIns,minerals, Omega-3 and other nutrients
- Minimizes Acidosis, Lamintis and Fatty liver
- Contains High Digestible Fibre and Phosphorus
- May provide immunological Benefits
Available in pack sizes :
50 Kg in Bags.
Certified with ( LIC No.: 100 16022005088)